Schizophrenia & Natural Remedies
Withdrawing Safely from Psychiatric Drugs



by Dr Maureen B. Roberts 
[Director: Schizophrenia Drug-free Crisis Centre]

The neuroleptic 'medications' prescribed (or forcefully administered) for schizophrenia are not medicines which heal, but rather toxic drugs which can produce permanent disability, irreversible brain damage, even death. [See the 1991 book Toxic Psychiatry,  by Peter Breggin, MD, or visit his website at <>]

Alarmingly, over half of the people receiving 'treatment' for schizophrenia are being forcefully drugged. Safe, natural, healing remedies are not funded by Medicare. Instead, the Australian Government continues to condone biopsychiatric human rights abuse, by funding drug-based, coercive psychiatry.

In the vast majority of cases, schizophrenia is an acute psychospiritual crisis which has usually been triggered by a traumatic life conflict. However, the following physical conditions can also trigger psychotic disturbances:
Cerebral allergies, Vitamin B-3 and B-6 dependencies, vitamin deficiencies (e.g. scurvy, pellagra), EFA deficiencies, mineral (e.g. zinc) deficiencies, toxic ractions to (e.g.) lead, or drugs (including psychiatric drugs), LSD, marijuana and other hallucinogens, infections such as rheumatic fever, syphilis, food allergies (e.g. to milk)

Withdrawing Safely from Toxic Psychiatric 'Medications':

Reference Source: Patients Rights Advocacy Waikato Inc.: Resource Handbook, 5th ed., Hamilton, NZ, 2001

Gradual withdrawal is preferable, since it allows for slow re-adjustment and reduces withdrawal cramps. Withdrawal symptoms may last 35 days after you have finished taking tablets, for every year you took 'medication'.

Use the 10% Formula. Gradually reduce drug intake in 10% steps, taking as long as required. It may take months to withdraw completely.
Example: Reduce by 10% at each step, e.g. 500mg dosage (per day) minus 10% =
450mg/day. Take a week or longer, until free of withdrawal symptoms.
Step Two: Go from 450 to 400mg/day and wait a week, or until you feel OK.
Step Three: Go from 400mg to 350mg/day and so on, until you have completely withdrawn from drugs. It is easier to reduce a morning tablet first.

Restoring Normal pH:

Your body pH, or level of acidity, should be 7. If your body pH is acidic (less than 7), you will need to drink 'Cal-Mag' formula (an anti-drug) until your pH returns to normal. (A caring GP can monitor blood pH).

Purchase from a Natural Healthcare Laboratory:
Calcium Gluconate  [500g.]
Magnesium Carbonate  [200g. low grade]
Cider Vinegar  [500ml.]
Put into a normal glass 1 level tablespoon of Calcium Gluconate, half a level teaspoon of Magnesium Carbonate and 1 tablespoon of Cider Vinegar. Stir into a paste, then add half a glass of boiling water. Stir until powder is dissolved and liquid is clear. Add some cold water. Use 2 drinks per day, one in the morning and one at night. Use while coming off of drugs.

In addition to the above, try any combination of the following natural remedies (for which no prescription is required):

Reference Source: A. Hoffer, MD, PhD, FRCP(C), Orthomolecular Treatment for Schizophrenia, Los Angeles: Keats Publishing, 1999.

Seek out a compassionate GP who practices (drug-free) orthomolecular medicine and who is fully supportive of your wish to withdraw from psychiatric drugs. S/he will be able to monitor blood levels and other physical parameters during the withdrawal process. Present them with a copy of this printed information as a guideline to safe withdrawal.


Vitamin B-3:
3 - 6g daily, in 3 doses, after meals. Normal does is 3 - 4.5g daily. [Dose can be increased to 30g]
Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine):
Under 1,000mg/day. [Do not exceed 2,000 mg/day]
Vitamin C:
3g./day, or more
Folic Acid & Vitamin B-12:
Large doses preferable
Omega-3 EFAs (e.g. Fish Oil):
3 - 9 x 1,000mg. capsules/day

(2) MINERALS  [from Health Food store, or naturopath]:

Selenium (antioxidant/antidepressant)  200-600 micrograms/day)
Manganese  30 milligrams chelated manganese, or 5-10 drops daily of a solution containing 10% zinc sulphate and 0.5% manganese chloride
Dolomite  Good aid to sleep
Zinc   50mg per day in tablet form

[B] HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE  [from Homeopathic Pharmacies]:

Hyocaimus 200c  [for hearing voices, or desires to go about naked]
Aurum Met 200c [for blackness, depression, suicidal urges]

[C] BACH FLOWER REMEDIES   [From Health Food stores]

Rescue Remedy  [all-round help for panic, or anxiety]
Cherry Plum  [fear of mind giving way]
White Chestnut  [unwanted thoughts]
Sweet Chestnut  [extreme mental anguish]
Rock Rose [terror]
Crab Apple  [self-hatred]

[D] HERBAL REMEDIES   [Available at Health Food Stores]:

Hypericum (St John's Wort)
*Improves mood and relieves anxiety, fear, nervousness and depression without the side-effects of antidepressant drugs. It works best if combined with the herb Valerian.
Ginkgo biloba
*Improves brain circulation, memory and other mental functions; helps with poor balance, fatigue, mood swings and headaches
Korean Ginseng, Gotu Kola, Spirulina, Chelated Iron
* Good energy boosters

[E] AROMATHERAPY 100% Essential Oils  [Health Food Stores and Chemists].

Use in baths, oil burners, or diluted for massage, as directed.
For Anxiety: basil, bergamot, geranium, lavender, vetiver, sandalwood, neroli
For Depression: bergamot, sage, lavender, chamomile, geranium, rose, rosemary, patchouli, neroli, jasmine

Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals, beans, beetroot, alfalfa and soybean sprouts, avocado, walnuts, paw paw, banana and a high intake of fluids (not coffee) to flush out toxins. Avoid chocolate, alcohol, cough syrup, nose drops, pickled meat and sweets. Do moderate exercise (e.g. walking, bike riding).
For diarrhoea, take rice with cinnamon.

Highly recommended further reading:
Richard Gosden, PhD, Punishing the Patient: How Psychiatrists Misunderstand & Mistreat Schizophrenia, Melbourne: Scribe Publications, 2001.

See also 'Schizophrenia: Your Questions Answered'

Produced and distributed in the interests of public health, safety,
re-empowerment & re-education by the
Schizophrenia Drug-free Crisis Centre
PO Box 7205 Hutt Street, Adelaide, SOUTH AUSTRALIA  5000
[Phone 61 8 8362 0980]







Deborah 08/02/02